11 top-notch books have now been reviewed on this blog.
(All reviews are first published on CSRwire.com)
Here they are:
The Why of Work by Dave and Wendy Ulrich
Innovative CSR, edited by Celine Louche et al
The World Guide to CSR by Wayne Visser and Nick Tolhurst
The New Corporate Accountability and the Law by Doreen McBarnet et al
Accounting for Sustainability edited by Anthony Hopwood et al
Unequal Protection by Thom Hartmann
Giving Voice to Values by Mary C. Gentile
The Corporate Responsibility Code book by Deborah Leipziger
Wonem Lead the Way by Linda Tarr-Whelan
Corporate Community Involvement by Nick Lakin and Veronica Scheubel
Street Smart Sustainability by David Mager and Joe Sibilia
Now, here is the challenge:
Take a look at the forthcoming reviews page - books on my list to read and review (three of which I am currently reading) click here
Your challenge is to guess which book review will appear next on the CSR-books blog.
Post your answer on this blog in reply to this post. The first person to post the correct answer will win a copy of my own book, CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices, which I will be happy to sign and personally dispatch to the winner.
Rules. This challenge is open to anyone anywhere provided they are registered on the CSR-books blog as email subscribers. If you are not a subscriber, it is really easy to subscribe - see box called "subscribe via email" on the Home Page. The CSR-Books blog issues 2 - 3 reviews of great CSR books per month and the occasional author interview and even more occasional challenge like this one. I promise not to bombard your email with other stuff and of course never to use email lists for any other purpose.
The challenge will close with the publication of the next review, which I excpect will be in about another week or so.
Up for the challenge?
elaine cohen, CSR consultant, Sustainabilty Reporter, HR Professional, Ice Cream Addict. Author of CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices Contact me via www.twitter.com/elainecohen on Twitter or via my website www.b-yond.biz/en
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